Goji Berries
An exotic berry variant said to have originated from another dimension.
Token Name: zGOJIBERRY
Contract Address: 0x9CD8421d8923ab43b5b53D2f70c336725a2d22e2
Polygon Link (Migrating):
Growth Details
Time to Fully Grown | Fully Grown to Death |
16 hours | 3 days |
Economic Model
Initial Pricing Model
Given that the price of this crop seed is controlled by a system controlled liquidity pool, here are the initial settings for the pool.
Internal zGOLD Price | zGOLD Pool Depth | Seed Balance |
69.23 | 2,958,959.43 | 42,741 |
Pricing Function
The curve shown below is the internal function used to calculate the marketplace supply and resulting price this specific seed follows.
In alpha, the pricing equation is as follows:
For more information on pricing see the Pricing Model Section:
Pricing ModelingLast updated